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Terms & Conditions



USER AGREEMENT is set forth below. Please ensure that you have read and interpret the entire agreement before accepting it.



"End User" hereinafter referred to as "Customer"

"domain.com" hereinafter referred to as "Seller"

"Buyer & Seller" hereinafter referred to as "Parties"

"Suppliers" hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Service Provider(s)"

Third Party Service(s)  hereinafter referred to as “Service(s)




1)"Customer" consents to use of electronic agreement to govern use of services. "Customer" consents to receiving all notices hereunder in electronic form, provided this consent may be withdrawn at any time by notice at the address set forth above (though, in some situations, we may have no other means of providing notices to "Customer", so termination of "Customer" account may result from a request from "Customer" not to available receive notices in electronic form).


2. The "Parties" expressly agree that all performance under this Agreement and the resolution of disputes shall be conducted through mediation in the jurisdiction ed by "Seller".


3. If a translation of this Agreement into any other language is required by law, the English version will prevail to the extent that there is any conflict or discrepancy in meaning between the English version and any translation thereof. "Seller" should not be held liable in any case whatsoever.


4."Seller" is not affiliated with any network provider, carriers, or manufactures. The logos, images, and trademarks used are copyrights and property of their respected owners.


5. All Services offered for use by "Seller" to "Buyer" are provided through "Third Party Service Provider(s)" and "Buyer" shall be subject to Terms & Conditions with such "Third Party Service Provider(s)". Except to the extent specifically prohibited by applicable law in "Buyer" jurisdiction. "Seller" shall have no liability whatsoever to "Buyer" or any Third Party claiming by or through "Buyer". For any issue relating to the "Third Party Service Provider(s)", Linked Sites, Other Sites Or Third Party Information, including without limitation; the accuracy, timeliness or continued availability of such "Third Party Service Provider(s)" or the continued interoperability of the "Third Party Service Provider(s)".

6."Seller" reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions at anytime. Any such changes will take effect upon posting. It is the customer's responsibility to read the Terms & Conditions on each purchase. The continued use of our service shall signify the acceptance of the latest Terms & Conditions

7. "Seller" is committed to protecting the privacy of the "Customer". "Seller" will only use the information collected about the "Customer" lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998). "Seller" will never collect sensitive information about the "Customer" without explicit consent. The personal information which "Seller" holds will be held securely in accordance with internal security policy and the law.


8. In the event that the "Third Party Service Provider(s)", cannot complete the transaction the order will be returned as "Not Found" and full credit will be automatically issued for specific transaction.


9. In the event that the "Service(s)â€聺 are completed but not accepted by the cellular device, the "Buyer" must notify the "Seller" within 7 days of receipt. Additional information will be requested from the "Buyer" in order to verify the “Service(s)â€聺 were not accepted by the cellular device as follows;

1) Video Proof must be presented

2) The Video must be continuous without any interruptions, delays, or segments

3) The Cellular device shall never be removed from line of site of the Video

4) The Video must show the IMEI identification #

5) The Video must show “Service(s)â€聺 being entered into the mobile device and error message afterwards

6) If the "Third Party Service Provider(s)", produce multiple “Service(s)â€聺 from a single IMEI submission, one or multiple Video Requests may be subject to this agreement.


In addition, returns will not be accepted if one or more of any events below occurs;

1) The IMEI # provided was incorrect and a “Service(s)â€聺 were produced

2) Video Proof of claim is not produced

3) Buyer does not notify seller of claim within 7 days of receipt

4) The cellular device is Hard-Locked

5) The retrieval of the “Service(s)â€聺 exceeded delivery time

6) The “Service(s)â€聺 were purchased from another “Sellerâ€聺 before the results of "Third Party Service Provider(s)", were returned

7) The cellular device accepted “Service(s)â€聺 but is not compatible with the desired network of the “Buyerâ€聺

8) The cellular device accepted “Service(s)â€聺 but internet or wifi is not functioning

9) The cellular device will not allow unlock code to be entered or phone is defective

This site is in accordance with The Digital Millennium Copyright Act valid until July 1997.

If "Buyer" disagrees with any content, "Buyer" shall not proceed with Registration. By completing Registration "Buyer" Accepts and fully understands all content listed herein.

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